
Cafe Pronto: The Molestation of the American Palate (A Delayed Reaction)

So, the title. First, is it even right to use the word "molest" in conjunction with the palate of all things? People are molested, not palates (even if it is a gramatically correct usage of the word). Second, is the American palate monolithic? Finally, it's a delayed reaction because the incident occurred back in May. I had written a post about this before but never finished it. However, the incident has become so seared into my brain, that I don't have much trouble recalling it. So, here's what happened. Back in May, my sister-in-law and I decided to stop at Cafe Pronto at Riva Festival for some coffee after making a run to Michael's for cake decorating supplies. I ordered the French roast (as is my custom) at Cafe Pronto, because I really like it there. I was warned that the French roast had been sitting around awhile, but the warning was followed by an offhanded "It is French roast. It's not like it matters if it's been sitting awhile." All of a sudden, I was embroiled in a discussion of the horribles of French roast. Both baristas were very anti-French roast. And yes, one of them said that Starbucks, by burning its coffee has contributed to the "molestation of the American palate," making people think that burnt coffee is good coffee. One of them told me that it smells horrible at the roasting plant when French roast is being roasted, and the other barista showed me French roast beans, which looked oily on the outside. Apparently, the oil on the outside should be on the inside of the bean, but somehow transfers to the outside after extreme roasting. So I asked why the store even sells French roast if it's awful. The answer? French roast "pays the bills" because millions of Americans support bad coffee. If so many people like it, is it really bad? Or just different? Who knows? At any rate, this is exactly the type of food snobbery that I despise. The type of food snobbery that stops people from asking questions at restaurants. I don't understand why people can't be a bit more openminded. It just so happens that I have an appreciation for all types of coffee, burnt or lightly roasted. The reason why I never select the light or mild roast is that I am usually disappointed, yes, even at Starbucks. However, when I visited Hawaii last summer, I never had a bad cup of coffee. The mild roasts were as excellent (perhaps even better) than the bold roasts. So, I know that good mild blends are out there, I just don't trust a lot of coffee shops to get it right or not make it too weak. In spite of this, I still go back to Cafe Pronto. I like that they're passionate about their coffee there (even if a bit too extreme). They have a killer carrot muffin, and this special machine that custom brews coffee. The custom brews are pretty good, but nothing to jump up and down about, in my opinion.

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